
Women in Transplantation is delighted to announce WIT funding opportunities for 2025. This marks the fifth year we are offering the Research Fellowship in Sex and Gender in Solid Organ Transplantation.

These fellowships will support the next generation of scientists, furthering our understanding of the importance of sex and gender in transplantation. This is a growing field of interest, and the more we learn, the closer we are to applying these findings to clinical care to benefit patients and donors.

WIT will also continue to offer a grant to faculty working in low—or middle-income countries. This grant allows transplant professionals in low-resource settings to collaborate with an experienced mentor from the WIT network. Together, they will address the pressing questions within their unique context, fostering international collaboration and building research capacity in lower-resource settings.

If you have any further questions and for information on how to apply, please contact Katie Tait (WIT Manager) at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to request more information.

Requests for Applications are now open and are being considered
Deadline: 1st April 2025

    Important Dates and Review Process:
  • Completed Proposals are due by 1st April 2025 (applications received before this date will be checked for administrative compliance w/c 24th March 2025).
  • Funding decisions will be made by an expert review committee from the WIT peer members. Grants will be scored based on novelty, research approach, feasibility of obtaining relevant data, prior work, and engagement of the mentor.
  • All applicants will be notified of final decision in May 2025.

The 2025 WIT Research Fellowship Grant Program will provide funding of up to $50,000 USD per grant to an Early Career Researcher to support research focusing on sex and gender issues relevant to solid organ transplantation. The spectrum of studies includes basic, clinical and translational.

General Information
  1. The grant provides one research grant for two years at $25,000 per year. Research must commence on July 1st 2025 and conclude on June 30th 2027.
  2. Any deferral of the research start date must be adequately justified and approved by the WIT Executive and the sponsor.
  3. Applications must be submitted in full by April 1st 2025 in order to be reviewed.
  4. The recipient will sign a letter of agreement with WIT. Payments will be issued to the recipient’s institution by WIT, and the recipient will report to the WIT Pillar 2.
Research Focus
The 2025 Women in Transplantation Research Fellowship Grant will fund research that contributes to our understanding of the impact of sex and/or gender transplantation. Such work includes, but is not limited to: studies of the impact of sex on transplant outcomes, sex differences in the immune response in organ transplantation, the influence of sex hormones on inflammatory responses, sex differences in the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of immunosuppressive medications, disparities in access to transplantation based on gender or sex, the complex challenge of HLA sensitization in women following pregnancy, and the influence of gender on organ donation. Epidemiologic, clinical, translational, and basic, studies are all necessary and will be considered.
  1. The Applicant
    1. The applicant must be a trainee undertaking research training (pursing MSc, PhD, PharmD, or equivalent) in solid organ transplantation (and/or immunology relating to solid organ transplant).
    2. Throughout the period of the grant, the applicant may not hold an independent faculty level position or a salaried senior staff position (or equivalent) or have institutional support that includes independent lab space and/or start-up funds to allow independent research. Women in Transplantation defines an independent faculty level position as any ranked faculty position (i.e. Lecturer, Assistant Professor, etc).
    3. The applicant’s fellowship must commence prior to or on the start of the grant term (July 1st 2025).
    4. The minimum protected time for research is 75% for the applicant.
  2. Applicant’s Sponsor and Institutional Support
    1. The applicant must have a sponsor/mentor with expertise in transplantation or immunology. The mentor need not have prior expertise in gender or sex in transplantation.
    2. Applicants who have a substantial relationship with Sanofi that would present a real or perceived conflict of interest if awarded this grant should review this concern with the Women in Transplantation to declare the conflict before applying.
    3. Women in Transplantation Reseacrh Fellowship Grant will be awarded per sponsor per year. If more than one grant from a given faculty member is submitted and deemed competitive, Women in Transplantation will make the final determination of which grant to fund.
    4. If the applicant’s sponsor departs or is planning to depart the institution prior to the commencement of the grant (July 1st 2025), the following applies:
      1. If the departure occurs after the submission deadline, the applicant will not be eligible for funding and their grant withdrawn, as an evaluation of the sponsor is part of the scoring procedure.
      2. If the departure occurs after a grant has been awarded and the grant has commenced, funding will be suspended. Reinstitution of the grant will be at the discretion of the Women in Transplantation, contingent upon satisfactory replacement of the sponsor and other factors. Awardee will be responsible for notifying Women in Transplantation of these circumstances as soon as they are aware.
    5. Women in Transplantation membership: The applicant’s sponsor must be an active member of both Women in Transplantation and TTS or have submitted a completed membership before the application deadline.
  3. Previous Funding/Funding from Other Sources
    1. The applicant may be a past or current recipient of other foundation fellowship research grants.
    2. The applicant may currently hold career development awards, or mentored scientist award.
    3. If the applicant is currently receiving funding for a project similar to the topics described in this RFA, the applicant should explain how the funds of the Women in Transplantation Research Fellowship Grant would not overlap with the funds of the other research support.
  4. Miscellaneous
    1. Citizenship: There is no restriction on citizenship.
    2. Laboratory: there is no restriction on laboratory location/country.
Specific Application Requirements

Applications that do not conform to these guidelines will be returned without review.

  1. Name, title, and institution of principle investigator, co-investigator(s), and/or key co- collaborator(s)
  2. Abstract of the proposed research plan: This document should concisely summarize the project in 400 words or less. The abstract should introduce the project and note its relevance to transplantation. It should describe the long-term objectives and specific aims, research design, and methods for achieving these goals. (use template provided in link below)
  3. Applicant’s biosketch (use template provided in link below)
  4. Mentor's biosketch (use template provided in link below)
  5. Complete proposed research plan: This document is limited to three pages (12-font, Times News Roman, single space, 2 cm margins); the page limit does not include references. The following sections MUST be included:
    1. Introduction: provide the rationale for the research
    2. Aims: include the key questions posed or hypotheses to be tested
    3. Preliminary Results (if any): show preliminary results supporting the research plan
    4. Research Plan: explain how the questions or hypothesis will be studied, with emphasis on experimental design over the details of the specific methods to be used. Anticipated results and potential pitfalls and alternative approaches should be briefly discussed. Specific research (and, if applicable, training) goals to be reached at the end of the grant should also be provided.
    5. The research plan should include a description of relevant facilities/capabilities
  6. Mentor narrative: should not exceed three pages and should include:
    1. A description of the training program in addition to research project itself.
    2. A description of the mentor's background in supervising the research and training of students and postdoctoral fellows.
    3. The role of the applicant in the project.
    4. A description of the role of the applicant in preparing the application. A significant role in writing the application is highly encouraged, although input from the mentor is expected. For international applicants not yet in the lab, it is understood that the PI will play a large role in writing the application.
    5. The mentor’s description of the applicant's experience and performance, future potential, and the degree of previous interaction with the applicant.
    6. An explanation of any mitigating or additional factors that need to be considered in terms of eligibility (e.g. account of extra years or a change in research field).
    7. The mentor must specify whether he/she is a recipient or sponsor of another Women in Transplantation fellowship grant. If applicant or mentor has previously been awarded a Fellowship Grant by Women in Transplantation, your application will not be eligible.
    8. A guarantee of minimum of 75% of the applicant’s time protected for research.
    9. The mentor must provide a letter (on letterhead) outlining their commitment to support the applicant, and their role in the project. In this letter, please demonstrate how the proposal was independently developed by the applicant, with mentor support for execution.
  7. Budget:
    1. The grant is intended to provide salary support for the applicant and supplies/materials required to conduct the research. No other costs are permitted, including institutional overhead or travel.
    2. A detailed budget, with justification of each item must be included.
Review Process and Notification
  1. Proposals are due by April 1st 2025 (applications received before this date will be checked for administrative compliance w/c 24th March 2025).
  2. Funding decisions will be made by an expert review committee from the WIT peer members. Grants will be scored based on novelty, research approach, feasibility of obtaining relevant data, prior work, and the qualifications of the mentor, including prior productivity and mentoring experience.
  3. All applicants will be notified of their application status in May 2025 (one month post submission).
  4. For the selected individuals, the term of the grant will begin July 1st 2025. (three months post submission).

It is envisaged that the Grant Recipient payment of $50,000 USD be paid in 2 payments of $25,000.00 USD across a 2 year period, upon receipt of the invoice or on another convenient date agreed upon by both parties, and receipt of signed agreement.

  1. The first payment is due on or before July 1st 2025
  2. The second payment is due on July 1st 2026.

Payments shall be wired to the Grant Recipient using the coordinates provided on the invoice.

The 2025 WIT Research Grants for Projects on Gender and Sex in Transplantation for Applicants from Low and Middle Income Countries (LMIC) will provide funding of up to $30,000 USD per grant to a transplant professional from an LMIC country (as defined by the OECD - please view the list by clicking on the tab below) to support research focusing on sex and gender issues relevant to solid organ transplantation. The spectrum of studies includes basic, clinical and translational.

General Information
  1. The grant provides one research grant for two years at a maximum of $15,000 per year. Research must commence on July 1st 2025 and conclude on June 30th 2027.
  2. The research start date cannot be deferred for any reason.
  3. Applications must be submitted in full by April 1st 2025 in order to be reviewed.
  4. The recipient will sign a letter of agreement with WIT. Payments will be issued to the recipient’s institution by WIT, and the recipient will report to the WIT Pillar 2.
Research Focus
The 2025 WIT Research Grants for Projects on Gender and Sex in Transplantation for Applicants from Low and Middle Income Countries (LMIC) will fund research that contributes to our understanding of the impact of sex and/or gender in transplantation. Such work includes, but is not limited to: studies of the impact of sex on transplant outcomes, sex differences in the immune response in organ transplantation, the influence of sex hormones on inflammatory responses, sex differences in the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of immunosuppressive medications, disparities in access to transplantation based on gender or sex, the complex challenge of HLA sensitization in women following pregnancy, and the influence of gender on organ donation. Epidemiologic, clinical, translational, and basic, studies are all necessary and will be considered.
  1. The Applicant
    1. The applicant (MD, PhD, PharmD, or equivalent degree) must work in the field of transplantation.
    2. The minimum protected research time is 30%
  2. Applicant’s Sponsor and Institutional Support
    1. The applicant must have a sponsor/mentor who is a WIT member with research expertise in transplantation or immunology relevant to the proposed project and who articulates clear willingness and ability to support the applicant.
    2. The applicant’s Department Chair or equivalent supervisor must provide a letter of support indicating that the applicant has the required protected time, space, and resources to carry out the proposed project.
    3. Women in Transplantation membership: the applicant’s mentor must be an active member of both Women in Transplantation and TTS or have submitted a completed membership application deadline. Applicants are strongly encouraged to choose a mentor from among WIT members who have volunteered to provide LMIC grant mentorship.
  3. Previous Funding/Funding from Other Sources
    1. The applicant may be a past or current recipient of other foundation fellowship research grants.
    2. The applicant may currently hold career development awards, or a mentored scientist award.
    3. If the applicant is currently receiving funding for a project similar to the topics described in this RFA, the applicant should explain how the funds of the Women in Transplantation grant would not overlap with the funds of the other research support.
  4. Miscellaneous
    1. Citizenship: There is no restriction on citizenship.
    2. Laboratory: there is no restriction on laboratory location/country
Specific Application Requirements

Applications that do not conform to these guidelines will be returned without review.

  1. Name, title, and institution of principle investigator, co-investigator, and/or key co- collaborator(s)
  2. Abstract of the proposed research plan: This document should concisely summarize the project in 400 words or less. The abstract should introduce the project and note its relevance to transplantation. It should describe the long-term objectives and specific aims, research design, and methods for achieving these goals. (use template provided in link below)
  3. Applicant’s biosketch (use template provided in link below)
  4. Mentor's biosketch (use template provided in link below)
  5. Complete proposed research plan: This document is limited to three pages (12-font, Times News Roman, single space, 2x2 cm margin); the page limit does not include references. The following sections must be included:
    1. Introduction: provide the rationale for the study and its relevance to sex and gender in donation and transplantation in low and middle income countries
    2. Aims: clearly state the specific aims of the study and the hypothesis or hypotheses being tested
    3. Preliminary Results (if any): show preliminary results supporting the research plan
    4. Research Plan: explain the experimental design and the methods that will be used to achieve the study objectives. Anticipated results and potential pitfalls and alternative approaches should be briefly discussed.
    5. The research plan should include a description of relevant facilities/capabilities, potential to build future research capacity on sex and gender in transplantation in low and middle income countries.
  6. Mentor narrative: should not exceed three pages and should include:
    1. A description of the training program in addition to research project itself.
    2. A description of the mentor's background in supervising the research and training of students and postdoctoral fellows.
    3. The role of the applicant in the project.
    4. A description of the role of the applicant in preparing the application. A significant role in writing the application is highly encouraged, although input from the mentor is expected. For international applicants not yet in the lab, it is understood that the PI will play a large role in writing the application.
    5. The mentor’s description of the applicant's experience and performance, future potential, and the degree of previous interaction with the applicant.
    6. An explanation of any mitigating or additional factors that need to be considered in terms of eligibility (e.g. account of extra years or a change in research field).
    7. The mentor must specify whether he/she is a recipient or sponsor of another Women in Transplantation fellowship grant. If applicant or mentor has previously been awarded a Fellowship Grant by Women in Transplantation, your application will not be eligible.
    8. A guarantee of minimum of 75% of the applicant’s time protected for research.
    9. The mentor must provide a letter (on letterhead) outlining their commitment to support the applicant, and their role in the project. In this letter, please demonstrate how the proposal was independently developed by the applicant, with mentor support for execution.
  7. Mentor Support Letter:
    The mentor must provide a letter (on letterhead) outlining their commitment to support the applicant, and their role in the project. In this letter, please demonstrate how the proposal was independently developed by the applicant, with mentor support for execution.

  8. Budget
    1. The grant may be used to provide salary support for the researcher and/or supplies/materials or other costs related to the conduct of the research (including salaries for research assistants or trainees). Costs related to travel to the mentor’s lab may be permitted but must be justified. No costs for institutional overhead are permitted.
    2. A detailed budget, with justification of each item must be included.
Review Process and Notification
  1. Proposals are due by April 1st 2025 (applications received before this date will be checked for administrative compliance w/c 24th March 2025).
  2. Funding decisions will be made by an expert review committee from the WIT peer members. Grants will be scored based on novelty, research approach, feasibility of obtaining relevant data, and engagement of the mentor.
  3. All applicants will be notified of their application status in May 2025 (one month post submission)
  4. For the selected individuals, the term of the grant will begin July 1st 2025. (three months post submission).

It is envisaged that the Grant Recipient payment of $30,000 USD will be paid in 2 payments of $15,000.00 USD per year across a 2 year period, upon receipt of the invoice or on another convenient date agreed upon by both parties, and receipt of signed agreement.

  1. The first payment is due on or before July 1st 2025
  2. The second payment is due on July 1st 2026.

Payments shall be wired to the Grant Recipient using the coordinates provided on the invoice.

The Transplantation Society

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